"Ballschool" - The camp of the balls Registration


The camp of the balls

The exercises promote children's sports motor development and improve ball handling skills and abilities. Imagine you are ready for any game. The ball is your friend and you will learn many different new games.
In addition, we get a taste of different ball sports.



17.07. - 21.07.2023
07.08. - 11.08.2023


in EUR incl. VAT
per week & child 230,-

Who can participate?

  • Children of employees aged 6 to 14 years.
  • For each registered "employee" child, the registration of one accompanying child is possible.


UniCredit Center
UniCredit Center Am Kaiserwasser Eiswerkstraße 20, 1220 Wien
Phone InfoPoint: + 43 (0)5 05 05-57520